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Building the business of your dreams? 
It's simpler than you think.

By simpler I don't mean not working or that it's something that happens overnight.

I mean if it is possible to have an execution plan from A to B.

You already told yourself that it's time to make money and that you also want the money to work for you,


you start the research and you feel overwhelmed with the excess of information and you don't know where to start.

Or you start trying what worked for everyone, however you see that you are not having the same result and you are disappointed


 O quieres empezar pero dude, you can't seem to find the door to begin with.


That's where I come in, I'm that Business Bestie that's going to help you get out of your head and take action, not only to put pen to paper, but going from paper to action.


"I recommend it to anyone who wants to generate income online"

Selma shares all the tips and tools that she herself is applying to have different sources of income, both passive and active online. 

Alexandra, UK


Imagine waking up 5 years from now:

You have time to do your routine calmly, you sit at the computer just to check that everything in your business is right on track, you can enjoy with your family and friends, oh and you are in a destination that you always imagined, let's say Bali.


You have the ability to start creating your dream life today and with the tools that I am going to teach you, you can do it.


I did not knowon the cash flow quadrant, basically it says that 

95% of the population

Has 5% of the world's money

5% of the population

Has 95% of the money in the world

I asked myself: how can I be part of the 5%? 


The simpler way I found was with DoTerra, a network marketing company that offers a super wide range of wellness products (which is a must for me and maybe for you too).  

“If I would be given a chance to start all over again, I would choose Network Marketing.” 

And the best news is that...

As a multipassionate entrepreneur, I have the space to be able to do more of what I am passionate about: Content creation for brands, online courses and stock trading.


Besides, millionaires usually have at least3 different sources of income, if they have it, what stops you from also having it?

  • 65% of millionaires have three streams of income

  • 45% of millionaires have four sources of income

  • 29% of millionaires have five or more income streams


Let's get to it, this is frying and eating…

Boosting your Business

Here is hands on undertaking with DoTerra, you learn everything that has to do with the business and how to multiply it.


First things first,watch this 30 min classwhere I explain in detail how DoTerra works and the income you can get 

and yes, they can be more than USD$20 thousand dollars per month.


When you see the class and say “I need this”! Then let the process begin.



First we start by placing an order, you can't sell something you don't use, so let's start using them products. You also make your Loyalty Program cart of 100 points (USD$125 approx)



You will have access to the Natural Leaders academy and you will start the Boost your Business Course.  It is an On Demand course and you will see it at your own time.



You are going to meet your upline, aka the person who will be guiding and accompanying you.  You will meet with her once a week to define your goals for 3, 6 and 12 months and define actions punctual to take



Must take action!  Results are seen when we take action, there's no other way to it.



You will feel the love and support of Team Soulfull and you will also start to see the results. Trust me, those commission $$ when viewed on the page, it feels real good.


All this is created for that person who is tired of being tired, of not having money or time even though he spends his time working.  That person who knows that life is more that just surviving, but thriving.


Online courses

You already have your business and you want to expand your digital presence and your income, at Soulfull School you will find just that:

  1. Become a Digital Nomad

  2. Create and Launch your Podcast

  3. Create your website


In each of these courses you will achieve:

  • Apply tools right away

  • Plan and you will execute what you have been thinking about for a while and that feeling of always planning and never doing, will finally come to an end

  • Being able to access Notion templates and Discord group


In addition, in each course you will be able to:


  • Have products that support your well-being

  • Additional education about the products

  • 25% off for one year on all your purchases at DoTerra


I give you this free Notion Template where there are all the questions and journal prompts that I mention in the video and a habit tracker.

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